Going camping is not just about pitching a tent and sleeping. It is also necessary to know what we will need in our day-to-day in the outdoor to be comfortable and be able to enjoy the experience. One of the essential things for a good organization is everything related to meals since, even though some campsites have a supermarket, there are products that we can take from home, with or without a refrigerator. In this post, we tell you what are the foods that we can take to a campsite to maintain a varied diet and that provide us with the necessary energy.
In the first place, it is important to differentiate the products that need refrigeration from those that do not, since the refrigerators that we usually carry with ice will only last the first day. Therefore, it is also necessary to add products whose conservation does not depend on the temperature. In this way, we will avoid health problems due to eating spoiled food.
Apart from conservation, we must also take into account the weight, as well as its size, since an excessive weight will make transport difficult. In addition, foods that require several kitchen utensils to cook will involve carrying an extra load, so it is better to bring food that is very simple to prepare. In this way, we will save space in our vehicle and time.
For the first days, if we have a refrigerator with ice, we can add foods that need refrigeration and cover our nutritional needs. Some of these foods can be cold cuts, spreadable or sliced cheeses, fruits, boiled eggs, and dairy. We can prolong the cold of our fridge if we change the ice twice a day.
On the other hand, it is appropriate to add canned foods, such as legumes, fish, meats, sauces, single-dose jam, canned fruit, etc. in this way we can easily make sandwiches and sandwiches or add the ingredients to more elaborate dishes, such as rice and pasta. However, these foods have the disadvantage of weighing too much, and that in addition, once opened we have to consume them because we will not be able to keep them.
Soups in sachets and other dehydrated foods will also provide us with the necessary energy and also will warm us during the colder times. If, in addition to camping, we want to go on an excursion, it is important to provide ourselves with nuts and energy bars due to their high caloric intake.
If we cannot keep the milk refrigerated, we can use powdered milk for coffee, yogurts that do not need refrigeration, and individual shakes, as well as fruit juices.
As for water, we recommend bringing bottled water for the first days and once we know where the source of drinking water is, we can refill them. If in the camping place it will be difficult to find drinking water, it will always be useful to boil the water for 20 minutes or use a purification kit.
If we are going to cook, it is better to buy special kitchen utensils for camping, as they occupy less and are very versatile. The basics are saucepans, pans, can openers, strainers, stove and fuel, thermos, and knives. In addition, we will also need plates, glasses, cutlery, napkins, aluminum foil, cloths, and everything necessary for cleaning.
And to finish, we recommend that, when organizing a camping getaway, and if you are going to do sports activities, you acquire special travel insurance that will be useful if you need medical assistance or a rescue derived from accidents related to physical activity or travel in general.