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Outdoor Sport Improves Self-Esteem and Boosts Mood

Exercising outdoors has many benefits, not only for playing sports but for the effects they have on the mind, self-esteem, and motivation. Specifically, as health professionals emphasize, training outside for around half an hour a day increases energy levels, self-esteem, and improves mood. Added to this is the positive value of training surrounded by nature, with sunlight, and that feeling of freedom that is not enjoyed indoors or in the gym.

Reasons why it is better to train outdoors:


Fresh air

After a long day at work, the best thing is to have some fresh air. Outdoor sport helps us prevent diseases, improves our mental state, and helps us sleep better. In spring it is advisable to enjoy the sun and fresh oxygen that releases the hormones of happiness and stimulates the immune system. It is important to benefit from the hours of sunshine, as it influences the natural obtaining of vitamin D.


Landscape change

Training outside can never be boring. You can change your running route as often as you like, especially to prevent distance runs from becoming tedious. You can also choose a perfect place for your Bodyweight workout, depending on what you need: a wall, a bar, or a certain distance to run. Choose one each day: parks, gardens, fields, forests … the world is yours.


Train in group

Have you ever done a group workout with 15 other people? Have you ever run through the city watching people stare in surprise at a large group of runners? It’s a great feeling, helps you socialize, and will keep you motivated until the end. Trying out new places will also allow you to meet new people who think like you.


Different tracks

When it comes to running, training outdoors means having different sections to conquer: mountainous, flat, meandering, and with different altitudes. You could also try some of the workouts to run on a suitable track if you can access one. It’s healthier for your feet to have different types of surfaces to run on, like concrete, grass, trail, and asphalt, and you can experience a lot more when running if you’re not just on a treadmill. Running outside also causes a much more natural movement and the running form is better so you’re doing your body a big favor when you get out as well.


Discover your city

When you search, wherever you go and subconsciously, a new place to do a workout or a jogging route, you increase the chances of discovering new parts of the city and places that you never knew existed. You can find new lakes or parks and get new views also.


Psychological benefits

Exercising provides greater self-esteem, increases self-confidence, and reduces anxiety. Continuous training provides a mental stimulus that other types of exercises do not offer. Ultimately, the effect of exercise on the mind favors the hormone of happiness.

Now it’s your turn, meet your friends, choose good music and make the most of the day. Your health will thank you.